There is a variety of ways to contribute to the community – through volunteering and/or by way of financial support for needy families.

Zichron Yaakov Municipality’s Dept of Social Services has a Volunteer Coordinator, with a range of volunteering opportunities.  Contact Liat through the Dept. 04.6297137

Yad Ezer, an NGO serving local families providing individual residents assistance of all types: Contact Ganya Weinstock, President (volunteer) of this non-profit organization to get involved (almost all is in Hebrew): 052.480 7836

Keren Kamah is a non profit charity in Zichron which provides families weekly spend at a local grocery store. Families rotate every three to six months and are chosen by the Social Service council of Zichron Yaakov.  In addition, families can also receive support for medical costs not covered by insurance as well as support towards educational needs.  All donations go directly to families in need. Keren Kamah is run by volunteers.  For more information about the fund, please go to the following link:

“FOOD FOR FAMILIES”:   Via Kehillat Veahavta, working with the Zichron Dept of Social Services, directly brings essential groceries to families in need every two weeks.  To contribute staples or cash to buy these contact Ariella:  0528457897 

"PUSH” Tutoring Program in Zichron Volunteer to tutor school children in a variety of subjects, including English.  Contact Zvi   052 3997000

Volunteer at nearby Park Hanadiv:  A variety of volunteer opportunities are available here – working with animals, landscaping, documenting flora and fauna   Contact 04.6298106

ESRA (English Speaking Residents Association) run a variety of volunteering programs, including tutoring students in English.  There is also a need for volunteers at the ESRA “Second Story Book Shop”.  Contact:  Sylvia Harwood 

WHATS APP GROUP  Listed as “Local- support and volunteer”  in “ZY English Community”