
There are more than 5000 students in Zichron, 25 kindergartens, 6 primary schools, and four high schools. Our local schools cater to a diverse student population in Zichron: offering options to children from multiple backgrounds and affiliations ranging from secular, traditional, modern orthodox, mixed orthodox and ultra orthodox. The Council views education as its first priority, dedicating over 40% of the total budget towards the local schools.

Gan Chova (Kindergarten): 

Kindergarten Trom Chova (mandatory) and Trom-Trom Chova (pre-school):

You can register for Gan Chova, Trom Chova and Trom-Trom Chova online at  If you are new to Zichron and your name isn't in the system, you may bring updated Teudot Zehut to the Gan Yeladim department at the municipality along with a rental/purchase contract.  

First Grade:

Register at your assigned school according to zoning guidelines, with Teudot Zehut and proof of address.  Schools are open for registration during regular school hours and on Tuesdays from 4-6pm during the registration period.  

Tzaharon: (after school care) 

- for preschool aged children, please register through the Matnas at or phone them at 04-629-7004/5. Spots are only guaranteed after a contact is signed and payment is arranged for the entire year.  

- for school ages children, available at HaHoresh, Nili, Hachita, and Yavetz schools: beginning immediately after school until 4:45pm and on school vacations from 7:30am-4:30pm.   

For more information, contact the schools directly: 

HaHoresh (8 years of school): 04-6382276

Nili: 04-639-9174

Hachita: 04-6399335

Yavetz (religiously observant): 04-6399352

Keshet (“Democratic” School)

Signing up doesn’t guarantee that you will get your requested gan or first grade; school assignment is zoned based on address and you’ll get notification in June as to what gan or school your child is registered at. please register on time as that will guarantee a spot for your child in the system! 

Requests to switch schools, requests to register outside your zoning area and to register your child to a school outside of Zichron must also be filed during this registration period; forms will be posted on the municipal website during the registration period. To do this, you must file a detailed written request for switching schools with all relevant supporting documents during the registration period.

Gan Chova: (5 year olds)

Trom Chova: (4 year olds)

Trom Trom Chova: (3 year olds)

You can register for Gan Chova, Trom Chova and Trom-Trom Chova online at  If you are new to Zichron and your name isn't in the system, you may bring both parents’ (updated with a Zichron address) Teudot Zehut to the Gan Yeladim department at the municipality along with a rental/purchase contract.  

Divorced parents must present a divorce agreement with custody arrangements specified. Single parents must sign an affidavit.

First Grade: 6 year olds 

If you are in the system, you may register online. If not, you may register at your assigned school according to zoning guidelines, with 2 Teudot Zehut and proof of address. Divorced parents should bring their divorce agreement that indicates where the children will be living. Schools are open for registration during regular school hours and on Tuesdays from 4-6pm during the registration period. 

If you have a child with disabilities who needs to register for school, you may do this up to two years in advance. Please come to the Education Department to register so that they can notify the Education Ministry and ensure that your child's classrooms are fully handicap accessible by the time he or she begins school.   

You can call the Education Department with questions at 04-629-7168/7184

Tzaharon (after school care):

Run by the Matnas, after school care runs from 14:00-17:00 and on most of the school vacations from 7:30-16:30. They serve a hot, bsari meal and require a minimum of 15 children registered to open in any location. 

Register on the Matnas website:

Translation by Pnina Salomon.  Feel free to reach out to her with questions or concerns about this process (and if you need an english speaker) at 052-700-2935.